Host an Event

Host An Event

The Warehouse

Our Warehouse is continually busy with all kinds of events and activities. We have hosted weddings, kid’s parties, quiz evenings, gigs, support groups, team meetings, food banks and more. We even turn it into a temporary gym and use it as a packing station for Christmas hampers! Our auditorium can seat around 250 people with access to audio visual equipment and lighting. We have rooms which have varying capacity and all come with tea and coffee making facilities available. 

Room 1
Room 2
Room 3

Room Types and Capacities

The Auditorium – 250
Room 1 – 100
Room 2  – 20
Room 3 – 10
The Studio – Available for sessions to record audio and video. 

“The space is really good! One of the best I’ve ever taught in. Very calm and relaxing considering it is in the centre of an industrial estate. I was very impressed. Great space.”

– One of our hirers who runs a Relaxation Class

For more information
Please contact our site manager Rachel, by sending an email to